Introducing Myself

December 14 2023, Thursday

I live and garden in the Southern Tier/Finger Lakes of New York State. I’m a retired science teacher that has been gardening since my Italian Grandfather mentored me in sound gardening practices since my early childhood. I garden is built to produce all the ingredients that go into my Italian family’s tomato sauce. The sauce originated from the hills surrounding Naples, Italy. Basil, garlic, onions, and 7 varieties of heirloom tomatoes go into my sauce. Dr. lyle, Ukrainian heart, Dwarf wild spudleaf,Tasmanian chocolate, Amish paste, Polish Linguisa, Aunt Ginny’s Purple to name a few. I select tomatoes that will deliver robust taste and sauce texture. My friends call me “Joey Tomatoes” and look forward to my BLTs with a fine wine during the tomato season. I look forward to networking with all of you.