Secrets of Selection

Whether you’ve finalized your grow list or are still contemplating numerous options, seed-sowing time is fast approaching. Use these tips to finalize the growing list.


Tips to Finalize the Growing List

Do you have more ideas for tips to finalize the growing list? Leave us your thoughts in the comments below.

What detemines the shape of a plum tomato

July 27 2024
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Mette from Denmark

July 27 2024
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Amateur breeding question

July 27 2024
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July 1 2024

I was told to grow companion flowers like marigolds to attract ladybugs. But before I could grow them, the ladybugs showed up on their own when my pepper plants got an aphid infestation. They showed up, started eating the aphids, laid eggs, and ladybug larvae started to eat aphids. Before I knew it, the aphids […]

May 28 2024

Hi!!! I thought I saw this tomato in the data base and now can not find it. Pienollo de Vesuvio. I thought I read once that it was from the 1500’s. I gave one of these plants to my friend and now he cant stop talking about it and I need to be sure I […]

Tasting Results

April 18 2024
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April 12 2024

OK. I’ve looked again and I guess that Tip Top was there all along. I think I mis-spelled it as TipTop. In any case, it would have been nice if you had responded to me in the first place. Also, I advised you that there is a tomato-seed-heavy seed company in Canada called Heritage Harvest […]


April 6 2024
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April 3 2024

What a wonderful idea! There are no Garden Clubs in my area anymore – Covid finished them off and they have not restarted. I am very interested in keeping the old varieties safe guarded as much as possible – yet also think we need to share as many diverse varieties as possible. The rare, endangered […]

April 3 2024

Hi Laurlee, the problem for Australia is quarantine restrictions. Australia doesn’t have many of the viral diseases that other places have. However we have many heritage tomatoes that have been grown by particular families for years. I recently got seed from a friend who got it from a 90yo neighbour who’s family had bought it […]

April 2 2024

How interesting! Iam in Canada and there does not seem to be many restrictions for Home Gardeners to get seeds. I an just diving into the wonderful world of tomatoes – but I am esp interested in the endangered ones. I was able to source a few this year and continue to look for them. […]

Australian Introduction

April 1 2024
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March 23 2024

I joined up just now to see if there is a listing for Tip Top. It is a small saladette type, red, determinate, with a pointy tip. I grew this some years ago but have no seed left and want to grow it again. Your list of 6,500 toms. does not list Tip Top. I […]

March 23 2024

Wow Catdaddy – that is very interesting. I lookd forward to hearing more about it. I do not have a GH yet – when I retire though….

What happens in the greenhouse always comes out…

March 12 2024

So, God is good, and I made it to retirement! Nothing to do but pursue gardening! SO-last year’s real-world lessons in gardening led to a greenhouse- and the idea of overwintering cuttings taken from various plants especially tomatoes. I only meant to keep them alive and replant them. Not the way it happened. The 30 […]

March 10 2024

@{laurlee} Yes, that is a rare variety. ‘Domaine De Saint Jean De Beauregard’ is a very rare, beautiful tomato developed from an accidental cross found in ‘Cultive Ta Rue’ garden. Named in 2017 during the autumn plant festival in Saint Jean de Beauregard. Large (7-14oz./200-400g), oblate fruits beautifully colored, yellow with red stripes outside and […]

March 10 2024

@☕{laurlee} I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, and I apologize for any inconvenience. We are currently enhancing our tomato entries to include more information. If you provide a list of the tomatoes you’re looking for, I can assist you in finding the information. I’m here to help with any other tomato-related questions you […]

I have not found 1 tomato from my list

March 9 2024
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March 9 2024

Do you know anyting about the tomato ‘ dormaine de saint jean de beauregard” I am unsure if it ancient? Hard to find? Rare? or a maintream everyone is growing? tia

February 26 2024
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February 26 2024
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February 26 2024
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February 26 2024
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February 25 2024
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February 25 2024
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February 25 2024
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February 25 2024
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February 25 2024
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February 25 2024
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Duriga Tomato

February 24 2024
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Rare Puck Tomato

February 24 2024
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Goldilox Tomato

February 24 2024
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February 22 2024
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Life is good in the garden!

February 21 2024
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February 21 2024
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February 18 2024
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February 17 2024
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February 16 2024
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February 16 2024
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February 16 2024
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February 15 2024
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February 15 2024
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February 15 2024
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February 15 2024
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February 15 2024
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February 15 2024
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February 14 2024
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February 14 2024
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February 14 2024
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February 14 2024
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February 13 2024
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February 13 2024
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February 13 2024
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February 13 2024
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February 12 2024
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February 11 2024
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February 11 2024
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February 10 2024
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February 9 2024
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Exploring the Marvels of Tomato Seed Oil

February 9 2024
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February 9 2024
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February 9 2024
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Is Pruning Necessary for Dwarf Tomatoes?

February 8 2024
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February 5 2024
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February 3 2024
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February 3 2024
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January 29 2024
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January 28 2024
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January 28 2024
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January 28 2024
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January 27 2024
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January 27 2024
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January 27 2024
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January 27 2024
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January 26 2024
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January 25 2024
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Grafting Wonders for Harvesting Tomatoes and Potatoes from a Single Plant!

January 25 2024
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January 25 2024
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Intro self

January 24 2024
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Unveiling Kleverhof’s New ‘Elements’ Series

January 24 2024
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Special Charm Of E-Glut From Kleverhof Seed Company, 2024

January 24 2024
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Exploring the World of Micro-Dwarf Tomatoes

January 23 2024
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Do Dwarf Tomatoes Need Additional Support? Share Your Experiences and Advice!

January 22 2024
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When to Start Sowing Dwarf Tomatoes: Do They Require an Early Start?

January 22 2024
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Does the Term ‘Dwarf’ Always Signify Short Height?

January 22 2024
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Seed Shopping in a Snow Storm

January 18 2024
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Country of Origin Searches

January 11 2024
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Quirky Tomato Seeds-Aisle 5

January 8 2024
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January 2 2024
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January 2 2024
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January 2 2024
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FPxPC Family

January 1 2024
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January 1 2024

@{Susan Ladner} All super valuable skills to have in this economy! How perfect that you can apply what you are learning to your own business! Adding those options are great ideas that I will definitely follow up on. Thank you for the insight. Have you finished your seed shopping for next season yet? Keara

December 30 2023
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December 30 2023
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Greetings Fellow Tomato Lovers!

December 29 2023
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What’s New With You?

December 29 2023
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December 28 2023
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December 28 2023
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Introducing myself

December 28 2023
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Seed Shopping, Anyone?

December 27 2023
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December 27 2023
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December 27 2023
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December 27 2023
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December 27 2023
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Merry Christmas To My Tomato Enthusiast Family

December 21 2023
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Tomato Consumption Question

December 21 2023
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December 21 2023
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December 21 2023
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December 20 2023
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December 19 2023
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December 19 2023
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December 19 2023
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December 18 2023
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December 18 2023
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December 18 2023
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December 18 2023
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December 18 2023
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December 18 2023

In the F.W. Bolgiano & Co. 1905 catalog, tomatoes are named “Liebesapfel” (Love apple). The catalog provides some tricks for tomato cultivation: “Seed may be started in hot-bed in March, or sufficient plants for family use can be grown in pots or boxes indoors with very little trouble. Be particular to give plants the benefit […]

December 18 2023
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December 18 2023

Have you tasted Mikado, @{Kmollbrown01} probably the first known potato leaf variety presented in a seed catalog? The 1886 Peter Henderson & Co Vegetable Seeds Catalog’s description adds a layer of intrigue. The distinctiveness of the foliage is a standout feature – large leaves that are entire and not cut, setting it apart from all […]

December 18 2023

Did you know that tomatoes have always been full of curiosity? Back in 1889, the Johnson & Stokes Seed catalog had some fascinating insights about these juicy wonders: “Tomato Egg-Plant. This curious plant was first discovered two years ago by Mr. Wm. C. Loder, a New Jersey trucker, growing in a field of egg-plants. The […]

December 18 2023

Back in 1945, in the charming town of Buñol, Spain, a wild turn of events led to the birth of the La Tomatina festival. It all began during a parade featuring Giants and Big-Heads figures. A spirited participant, fueled by the excitement of the moment, accidentally took a tumble, setting off a chain reaction of […]

December 18 2023
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December 17 2023
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December 16 2023
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December 16 2023
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December 16 2023
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December 16 2023
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December 16 2023
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6,500 and Counting!

December 16 2023
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Database Delight

December 16 2023
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Happy Holidays from OTV!

December 16 2023
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OTV is 1-2-3!

December 16 2023
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Easy as Tomato Pie

December 16 2023
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December 16 2023
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Welcome to OTV!

December 16 2023
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December 16 2023
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December 16 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023

I stumbled upon an intriguing historical gem recently—a tomato recipe dating back to 1692 in a Neapolitan cookbook, “Lo scalco alla moderna.” The recipe reads as follows: “Take a half a dozen tomatoes that are ripe, put them to roast in the embers, when they are scorched, remove the skin diligently, then mince them finely […]

December 15 2023

@{Rimante} The history of this tomato is as beautiful as the creation itself. Bravo @{Andrea Clapp} ! I am certain your Nonna is beaming from above. Keara

December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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Queen of Growing in 5-Gallon Containers

December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023
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December 15 2023

@{Laurrie} Can you share your thoughts about the Bug Tussle Buttermilk Wonder tomato? I noticed you were discussing with Andrea that it’s one of your favorites this season. I’m eager to learn more about this variety. Have you also grown Lotus, and if so, how would you compare the two?

December 14 2023
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December 14 2023
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December 14 2023
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Exclusive Release: ‘Nonna’s Love’ Tomato

December 14 2023
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December 14 2023

@{renshisan} I am trying to contain my enthusiasm to your post because it rang ALL of my BELLS! I am from Upstate New York originally and that is precisely where I learned to love AUTHENTIC sauce (shhhhh, I know it is called GRAVY) and all it involves. I am so pleased you have joined our […]

December 14 2023

@{Laurrie} It’s a pleasure to meet you! Your dedication to all-natural gardening and the impressive variety of tomatoes you cultivate annually is truly inspiring. Your wealth of knowledge and passion for gardening is sure to make our discussions even more enriching. 🍎🍎🍎

I’m Introducing Myself

December 14 2023
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December 14 2023

@{renshisan} Hello Joey Tomatoes! 🍅 What a delightful introduction! Your passion for gardening and the rich history behind your family’s tomato sauce is truly inspiring. And, guess what? I share your enthusiasm for the Dwarf Wild Spudleaf tomato too! I’m thrilled to connect with someone so passionate about gardening and preserving family traditions. Welcome to […]

December 14 2023

That pic of a family member was mistakenly submitted.

Introducing Myself

December 14 2023

I live and garden in the Southern Tier/Finger Lakes of New York State. I’m a retired science teacher that has been gardening since my Italian Grandfather mentored me in sound gardening practices since my early childhood. I garden is built to produce all the ingredients that go into my Italian family’s tomato sauce. The sauce […]

December 13 2023

@{} Curious about tasting one of the first European tomatoes? Explore our database on ‘Poma Amoris Minora Lutea.’ The seeds of this tomato were sourced from Hortus Botanicus in Padua, Italy, where they have been cultivating it since 1553. It’s a truly charming and historic ‘Love Apple’— one of the oldest varieties.

December 13 2023

@{} Did you know? The En Tibi herbarium, a 500-year-old treasure, holds one of the oldest surviving tomato specimens! Biologists at the University of Leiden conducted a genome analysis of this ancient tomato, revealing its roots traced back to Mesoamerica. Ever wondered what a 500+ year-old European tomato might taste like? The secret might lie […]

December 13 2023

In the 1550s, a nature expert named Ulisse Aldrovandi saved the oldest tomato plant in Europe in a big book with 16 parts called a herbarium. Sadly, he couldn’t save the actual tomato. Researchers said, ‘In the 1500s, most collections of plants didn’t have saved tomatoes. Juicy tomatoes are hard to press because they are […]

December 13 2023

The oldest illustrations of tomatoes date back to the early 1550s in Germany. However, it was the Flemish botanist Rembert Dodoens who published the first image of a tomato in 1553. In the picture – two of the first European illustrations of tomato. (A) Dodoens, p.428, 1553. (B) Fuchs, unpublished, codex 11 122, 2 (3), […]

December 13 2023

The oldest known tomato specimens, dating back to around 1551, were collected by Ulisse Aldrovandi and Francesco Petrollini. These tomatoes were harvested from plants cultivated in the Pisa botanical garden under the guidance of their teacher, Luca Ghini. @{tomatenzauber} I hope you find these tomato facts interesting!

December 13 2023

Here’s another captivating piece of tomato history for you! In 1554, the Italian physician and botanist Pietro Andrea Matthioli expanded on his earlier commentary about tomatoes, this time in Latin. Describing the tomato after the eggplant, Matthioli provided more details, suggesting the existence of multiple introductions of tomatoes over an extended period. He noted, “Another […]

December 13 2023

Did you know that the first mention of tomatoes in Europe dates back to 1544? It was the Italian physician and botanist Pietro Andrea Matthioli (1501–1578) who introduced tomatoes to the European scene. In the inaugural edition of his commentary in Italian on Dioscorides’ classical herbal, titled ‘Di Pedacio Dioscoride Anazarbeo libri cinque della historia, […]

December 12 2023

@{Svea Berlin} Do you know that the 52-million-year-old fossil is the oldest tomato in the world? In 2017 scientists found a really old tomatillo in southern Argentina, and it’s about 52.2 million years old! They discovered it in a place called Laguna del Hunco, where there are lots of old fossils. Tomatillos are part of […]

December 11 2023

Some interesting facts about the history of tomatoes. @{Blooming709} Do you know something cool about tomatoes? Share it with us!

December 11 2023

Looking for a distinctive tomato with an exotic origin? Discover the Nebraska Wedding Tomato! Amy Goldman’s tale in “The Heirloom Tomato” dubs it the “ultimate love apple.” Allegedly, brides in Nebraska still receive these seeds as a wedding gift. Amy obtained the seeds from Betty Englert, whose ancestors introduced this variety to western Nebraska in […]

December 8 2023

What is cherries’ favorite cartoon? 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 Tom and cherry.🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 @{} Do you happen to have any tomato-themed jokes?

December 7 2023
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December 7 2023

In Russia, there’s a special place known as Syzran, and guess what? It’s the tomato capital! This city is in the Samara region. The tomato is like a superstar there, even though it’s not the city’s official emblem. A long time ago, clever merchants from Astrakhan brought tomatoes to Syzran. These tomatoes loved it so […]

December 7 2023

What is the best way to fix a broken tomato? 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎With tomato paste!🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 @{SarahYoung63018} Do you have any jokes about tomatoes by any chance?

December 7 2023

Tomatoes love dances, so what’s their favorite? 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎Salsa!🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 @{Brun Torfs} Do you happen to have any jokes related to tomatoes?

December 6 2023

@{Brun Torfs} Have you heard? It’s best to never add tomatoes to the refrigerator! Refrigerating causes the fruit to lose flavor as it ripens. Tomatoes are best stored at room temperature until they fully ripen. Once they are fully ripe, you can consume them or store them in a cooler place if needed. However, it’s […]

December 6 2023

Do you know why is a Roma tomato called a Roma? Even though “Roma” sounds Italian, the first Roma tomato was made by the USDA in 1955. But Roma tomatoes share some features with the famous Italian tomato called San Marzano. Roma tomatoes are a kind of plum tomato, but not all plums are Romas. […]

December 6 2023

Ok, I’m first! Do tomatoes and potatoes have anything in common?             YES! 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎Toes.🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 @{Debracurle} , can you be a second?

Join the Fun Tomato Topic: Don’t crack, just smile!

December 6 2023
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December 3 2023

@{Tomato Jim} I am shamelessly stalking this post! I know Rimante well enought to pay close attention to any heirlooms she expresses such admiration for! Merry Christmas and WELCOME to On The Vine from Idaho, USA! Keara

December 3 2023
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December 2 2023
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November 29 2023
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November 29 2023
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November 29 2023
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Hello from Poland (our nicks are Scirpidiella and Lupinaster)

November 26 2023
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Leaves if you Please

November 22 2023
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Tomato Tidbit of the Day

November 22 2023
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November 22 2023
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Micros and Minis Update

November 22 2023
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November 22 2023
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Database Tip of the Day

November 22 2023
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Surfing Our Database Like A Pro

November 20 2023
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November 20 2023
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Database 101

November 20 2023
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Handy Guide

November 20 2023
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Hello To You

November 20 2023
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November 20 2023
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November 20 2023
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Maturities At A Glance

November 20 2023
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Quick Tips

November 20 2023
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November 20 2023
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November 18 2023
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November 18 2023
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Intro to Our DATABASE!

November 17 2023
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Tomatoes In Your Neighborhood

November 17 2023
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November 16 2023
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November 16 2023
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November 16 2023
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November 16 2023
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November 16 2023
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Bi-Color Tomato Alert-Aisle 5!

November 15 2023
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Start Your Tomato Engines

November 15 2023
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TipToe Through The Tomatoes

November 15 2023
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Let’s Cruise The Database!

November 15 2023
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November 15 2023
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November 15 2023
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November 15 2023
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November 15 2023
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November 15 2023
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November 14 2023
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Garden Party

November 14 2023
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Garden Companions

November 14 2023
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Come Grow With Us

November 14 2023
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So Many Tomatoes

November 14 2023
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November 14 2023
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I am so glad you’re here!

November 14 2023
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November 14 2023
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November 14 2023
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Share, Discuss, and Grow Together!

November 14 2023
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A Warm Welcome From Keara

November 13 2023
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November 13 2023
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Hello Tomato Enthusiast!

November 13 2023
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Greetings & Salutations!

November 13 2023
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Hello To You

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Warm Welcome!

November 13 2023
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November 13 2023
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November 13 2023
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Most Delightful Cherry Tomato Variety

November 13 2023
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November 13 2023
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November 13 2023
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What’s your most productive tomato variety

November 13 2023
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November 13 2023
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Best-Tasting Longkeeper Tomato

November 13 2023
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November 13 2023
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Most-Wanted Tomato

November 13 2023
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November 13 2023
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November 13 2023
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November 12 2023
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November 12 2023
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A Welcome Message From our Staff Member-Keara

November 12 2023
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November 11 2023
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November 11 2023
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November 11 2023
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November 11 2023
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November 11 2023
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November 10 2023
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On The Vine Welcome!

November 10 2023
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November 10 2023
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November 10 2023
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Surprising Secrets of Tomatoes

November 10 2023
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November 10 2023
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November 9 2023
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If You Could Preserve One Tomato Variety Forever, Which Would it Be?

November 9 2023
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November 9 2023
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Your First Tomato Harvest

November 9 2023
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November 7 2023
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November 7 2023
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November 6 2023
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November 6 2023
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November 6 2023
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A Voyage through Heirloom Tomato Varieties and Their Enigmatic Charms

November 6 2023
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November 6 2023
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November 6 2023
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November 5 2023
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November 3 2023
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November 3 2023
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November 3 2023
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Meet the Extended Tomato Family: Wild Tomato relatives

November 3 2023
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November 3 2023
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November 3 2023
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New To On The Vine Forum?

November 3 2023
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November 2 2023
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November 2 2023
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October 27 2023
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October 27 2023
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Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast

October 26 2023
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October 26 2023
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October 19 2023
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Indoor Growth Steering of Micro Tomatoes

October 17 2023
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October 16 2023
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October 14 2023
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October 4 2023
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Free tomatoes

October 4 2023
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October 3 2023
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September 28 2023
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Seed Saving Novice

September 20 2023
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Seed Storage Ideas

September 14 2023
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September 6 2023
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Why are tomato seeds sprouting inside of tomato?

September 6 2023
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At what temperature do I need to start bringing my potted tomato plant inside?

September 6 2023
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Is it possible to easily save tomato seeds?

September 6 2023
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Tasteless tomatoes: what did I do wrong?

September 6 2023
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September 5 2023
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September 5 2023
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Ethnic Recipe Request

September 5 2023
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Best Tomato Varieties for Hanging Baskets

September 5 2023
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September 4 2023
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Last Minute UpPotting Question

September 2 2023
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BASIL bonanza

September 1 2023
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September 1 2023
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September 1 2023
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September 1 2023

Tomato Whisperer said: Hi Fifi, I recommend taking some time to figure out what your taste buds prefer. A long stroll through a local farmer’s market can do wonders! Some farmers even offer samples, but I prefer to purchase a variety of tomatoes from across the market, take them home and make a Saturday afternoon […]

September 1 2023
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August 31 2023
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How can you tell when a black tomato is ready for picking?

August 29 2023
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August 29 2023
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August 28 2023


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August 28 2023
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August 28 2023
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Mary Hope/Die Tomaten Lady

August 28 2023
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August 28 2023
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Show Your Smallest Tomato!

August 28 2023
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August 28 2023
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August 28 2023
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August 28 2023
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Coffe Filters

August 28 2023
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Colorful, Sweet and Short Season

August 26 2023
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August 25 2023
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Vegetable Production Handbook of Florida, 2022–2023 edition

August 25 2023
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John S.

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Rimantė Varkalaitė-Bakienė

August 25 2023
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GMO Tomatoes: A Taste of the Future?

August 25 2023
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August 25 2023
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Dorota Basiura

August 25 2023
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August 25 2023
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August 25 2023
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How much sunlight tomato plants need?

August 24 2023
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Coffee Filters

August 24 2023
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August 24 2023
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August 24 2023
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August 24 2023
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August 24 2023
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SOS! Help needed to diagnose

August 24 2023
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Tomato Olympics: Most Delicious of the season.

August 24 2023
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Fermentation Method

August 24 2023
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August 24 2023
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Companion Planting

August 24 2023
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August 24 2023
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Favorite tomato varieties

August 24 2023
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August 24 2023
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August 24 2023
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Keara from WTS

August 23 2023
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Keara from WTS

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August 23 2023
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TUMS for Blossom End Rot

August 23 2023
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Oxiclean Method

August 23 2023
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August 11 2023
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August 11 2023
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By Way of Introduction

August 11 2023
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Hanging basket with water reservoir

August 11 2023
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August 11 2023
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August 10 2023
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August 10 2023
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August 10 2023
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DIY Fertilizers

August 9 2023
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August 9 2023

Yes I use JADAM and also KNF, a good place to look at for some of their methods and hybrid methods is on Youtube and look up Buildasoil they have some great videos. They use the methods for a host of plants. I use some of the ideas in JADAM in my pepper plants currently […]

Chris Guppenberger

August 9 2023
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Introducing me

August 9 2023
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August 6 2023
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August 6 2023
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August 6 2023
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Grow Bag Sizes?

August 6 2023
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August 5 2023
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August 4 2023
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August 4 2023
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August 3 2023
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Seeking the most delicious short season tomato varieties for open field cultivation

August 3 2023
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What’s your best tasting Dwarf Tomato?

August 3 2023
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August 3 2023
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July 29 2023
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Heat of the season

July 29 2023
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Andrea Clapp

July 29 2023
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July 28 2023
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New York

April 16 2023
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April 16 2023
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April 2 2023
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April 2 2023

d in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

April 2 2023

d in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

April 2 2023

d in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

April 2 2023

d in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

April 2 2023

d in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

April 2 2023

orem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and types

April 2 2023

orem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type.

April 2 2023

ged. It was popularised

April 2 2023

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type.

April 2 2023

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type.

April 2 2023

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s


March 30 2023

Lorem ipsum

March 30 2023

Siemka, co tam?

Test 2

March 30 2023


March 30 2023

asdasdasdsf dsdf sf


March 30 2023

testadsad asd asdas


March 30 2023


March 30 2023



March 30 2023

Favourite Tomato

Article 2

March 22 2023

Tomato 6

March 22 2023

Tomato 5

March 22 2023

Tomato 4

March 22 2023

Tomato 3

March 22 2023

Tomato 2

March 22 2023

March 22 2023

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type.

new thread

March 22 2023

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic […]

Insect 1

March 22 2023

Recipe 1

March 22 2023

Article 1

March 22 2023

Tomato 1

March 22 2023

Paid- Tomato Database Entry Detail Page

January 25 2023

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” background_image=”” custom_padding=”150px||150px||true|false” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row column_structure=”3_5,2_5″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”3_5″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” header_2_font=”Marcellus|300|||||||” header_2_text_color=”#FFFFFF” header_2_font_size=”46px” header_2_line_height=”1.4em” global_colors_info=”{}”] BRAD’S ATOMIC GRAPE [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”2_5″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”#e8e4d9″ custom_padding=”7px||7px||true|false” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” max_width=”1600px” custom_padding=”||4px|||” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_divider color=”#000000″ divider_weight=”2px” _builder_version=”4.19.4″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_divider][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row column_structure=”1_4,3_4″ use_custom_gutter=”on” gutter_width=”2″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” […]


January 23 2023

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” background_image=”” custom_padding=”||||false|false” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” min_height=”466px” height=”466px” max_height=”466px” sticky_enabled=”0″][et_pb_row column_structure=”3_5,2_5″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_margin=”17px|auto||auto||”][et_pb_column type=”3_5″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” header_2_font=”Marcellus|300|||||||” header_2_text_color=”#e8e4d9″ header_2_font_size=”46px” header_2_line_height=”1.4em” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″] BLOSSOM END ROT ON TOMATO PLANTS [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#e8e4d9″ text_font_size=”24px” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″] By Dorota Basiura [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”2_5″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” […]

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December 6 2022

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